Captain's Corner

“seadek” Product Review

Published May 8th, 2021 by John Blenker

It has been almost two years since I put “SeaDek” padding in my boat. Many of my customers ask me what it is and how do I like it. Well the answer was simple, I love it. It provides padding on the bolsters to lean against when fighting a fish. It also provides padding for me while I am operating the boat in the form of a helm pad. I also bought a pad for the top of my Engel cooler. I had my web site name and a ruler placed on the bolsters as well.

Recently I had to request replacement of the helm pad and one of the sheets of bolsters to be replaced as it was delaminating. I called “SeaDek” and they sent me new material. I installed this myself and found that it was very easy to install. You can pay an installer to do this but the cost goes up when you do this.

I am thoroughly satisfied with this product and if ever I replace my boat I will have the next one done in “Seadek” as well. If you are interested in “SeaDek” for your boat feel free to ask me about it or call the company directly at (888)964-6860.

I am not sponsored by this company but truly like the product and use it everyday. This material has been guide tested by me and It truly is an outstanding product.

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